The company has successfully carried out or is carrying out, among other topics:

  • Advice on feasibility projects for the implementation of Telecommunications businesses.
  • Audits in Telecommunications Regulation, in order to comply with Ecuadorian regulations.
  • Training in Telecommunications Regulation, considering the respective license.
  • Preparation of studies for public contest for radio and television frequencies.
  • La obtención de títulos habilitantes para la explotación de Servicios de Acceso al Internet (SAI), considerando diferentes modalidades de acceso: inalámbrico terrestre (MDBA), inalámbrico satelital (VSAT), físico par trenzado de cobre (ADSL), cable coaxial (HFC, DOCSIS), fibra óptica (FTTH), en las diferentes ciudades del Ecuador.
  • Obtaining licences for the installation and operation of Private Networks, for different public and private institutions.
  • Obtaining licenses for the exploitation of International Transport Services (space segment modality).
  • Obtaining licencses for the exploitation of Mobile Satellite Services.
  • Obtaining licenses for the exploitation of Value Added Services.
  • Obtaining licences for the provision of Audio and Video Services by Subscription (Paid TV), through digital cable systems (HFC, FTTx,...) and satellite systems (DTH).
  • La obtención de concesiones para el uso de frecuencias:  Microondas Terrestres, Microondas Satelitales, Sistemas VHF – UHF, Sistemas WLL, Wimax.
  • La obtención de registros:  para el uso de bandas no licenciadas (MDBA, modulación digital de banda ancha);  de redes físicas de backbone y de acceso para la prestación de Servicios Portadores de Telecomunicaciones; de infraestructura de transmisión nacional e internacional para la prestación de Servicios de Acceso al Internet (SAI); de centrales telefónicas, etc.
  • Renewal, extension and modification of the different licenses.
  • Certifications of Telecommunications Equipment.
  • Georeferencing of Physical Networks..